U港生活 x V Caresee唯心思

【V Caresee(唯心思)送 100 盒 V Caresee Mask 彩色耳繩三層醫護口罩】已結束


本地品牌V Caresee(唯心思)口罩由製造到包裝程序全部Made in HK,加上嚴選低敏感物料製造,減輕肌膚負擔,而且具備良好透氣功能,就算長時間戴住都感覺自然舒適,令呼吸更加暢順。呢款三層醫護口罩符合歐盟最高標準Type IIR及美國標準ASTM Level III*,BFE>98%,PFE>98%,為大家帶來防塵、過濾、防潑水、舒適嘅保護。白雪雪嘅口罩,配埋粉色系耳繩,就更為醒神!

V Caresee(唯心思)依家同你齊心抗疫!今次送岀V Caresee(唯心思)彩色耳繩三層醫護口罩50盒30片裝(獨立包裝)及50盒50片裝(獨立包裝),只需跟住以下玩法,就有機會得到架啦。

1. 參加者只需要Like/讚好「VCaresee唯心思」Facebook專頁;
2. Share/分享此帖,並將分享設定選項設定為「Public/公開」;
3. 立即到 bit.ly/3nIDfR5 ,填妥資料並回答問題,最具創意的100位參加者可獲得V Caresee(唯心思)彩色耳繩三層醫用口罩,首50名參加者可獲得50片裝口罩一盒,第51-100位參加者可獲得30片裝口罩一盒。

#VCareseeMask #唯心思 #EN14683_Type_IIR #ASTM_Level_3 #彩色耳繩三層醫護口罩 #防疫必備 #OEM_logo

* V Caresee(唯心思)彩色耳繩口罩於9月初已獲得美國標準ASTM Level III認證,獨立包裝膠袋上的「Level II」字樣,因環保起見,沒有重新印製。


【V Caresee Giveaway 100 Boxes of Coloured Ear Strap Three Layers Medical Face Mask】Event Ended

Comparing to the previous few months, although the price of the face masks have been greatly reduced and more stocks are launched, face masks have inevitability become a necessity in our daily life. It increases the expense of necessity for every single month which is quite shocking!

Our local brand V Caresee face masks are Made in Hong Kong. From Production to packaging are all done in Hong Kong. Moreover, as we have carefully chosen hypo-allergenic materials to manufacture the our masks, we guarantee excellent quality on permeability and not to add extra burden to our skin. Even if we wear the face masks for long hours, it is still comfy and natural.

Our three layers medical face mask is qualified with the highest standard of EU Type IIR and American Standard of ASTM Level III*, BFE>98%, PFE>98%. We ensure our customers with dust-free, filtered, water repellent and comfy protection. Pink ear strap with white face mask is undoubtedly extraordinary!!

V Caresee fight the virus together with you! This time we are giving away - Coloured Ear Strap Three Layers Medical Face Mask 50 boxes/30pcs (Individual Packages) AND 50 boxes/50pcs (Individual Packages).

By following the below steps to win a prize:

  1. Participants should LIKE V Caresee Facebook Page;
  2. Participants should share the post and set it as “Public”;
  3. Fill in required information at bit.ly/3nIDfR5. The most creative 100 participants will be awarded a box of our face mask prize.                  > First 50 participants could receive a box of 50 pcs face masks        > The 51-100 participants could receive a box of 30 pcs face masks

#VCaresee #MadeinHongKong #ColouredEarStrap #3Layers #MedicalFaceMask #fightthevirus #CoronaVirus

*V Caresee face masks have been qualified with American Standard of ASTM Level III in the beginning of September. Yet, owing to environmental friendly concerns, we did not reprint and remade the packages.